Sunday, June 20, 2010

God does anwer prayers!

When Ashlyn was a few months old her pediatrician diagnosed her with eczema. We knew a few adults with it and saw how they suffered with it especially in the summer and we immediately started praying that she would grow out of it. Ashlyn's doctor did say that most children will grow out of it, but to be honest I had a hard time believing that she would because of how bad hers was. Her doctor took her off of milk and had her only drinking soy. That seemed to work pretty good but she would still get outbreaks all over that would only get better with steriod cream. When she turned 1 her dr. gave us the go ahead to put her on whole milk and then her eczema slowly started getting worse when she turned about 1 & 1/2. We were going through steroid cream like it was regular lotion and I hated using it on her. We did everything the doctor told us to do, no perfumes, no dyes, and not be around people that smoked. We decided to try different things to see if it would improve her eczema. We took her off milk for a while and tried rice milk, goat's milk, but nothing helped. I had had enough and asked if we could be referred to a dermitoligist. He told us she was the worst case he had ever seen. I don't remember which came first but about that same time I requested her pediatrician to do a basic blood allergy test. Afer about a week of waiting to see if she was allergic to anything, it came back dog only allergy. We didn't even have a dog, but Nathan's parents did. They gave her away and tried to get rid of as much shedded hair that was outside as possible. We kept her away from dogs as much as we could, but that is hard. People don't think about others being allergic to a dog and dogs are EVERYWHERE. It was hard to try to explain to her that we can't touch dogs when she was so little. She has outgrown the allergy a lot but certain dogs are worse than others to be around. She still will get an outbreak every once in a while if she's been outside in the grass where a dog has been. We found out that Nathan's dad had been praying so earnestly for Ashlyn to be healed from her eczema even if it meant that he have instead. Her eczema now is almost non existent and Stan in the last year has been diagnosed with adult eczema.
The above picture is of Ashlyn a few days before she turned 3 months. If you look on her arm that she is chewing on you can see the eczema whelps.

Above are some pictures taken right around the time we took her to the dermitologist for the 1st time. I took some to show the doctor in case she had cleared up some. It seems like when ever I take my kids to the doctor they never seem as sickthere as they do when they are at home.

Thank you God for answering our prayer and healing my sweet Ashlyn of her eczema. You know it pained me to look at her itching and hurting and there was nothing I could do, but there was something you could do and I thank you for it!

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