Wednesday, February 24, 2010

weight loss

This blog is all about me! Iam blogging about my weight loss today. Here is my story: After I married I gained weight, no big deal really, it wasn't much. When we decided to have a baby I used the execuse of having the baby for eating what ever I wanted to, plus I really felt like I was starving. I put on a good 50 pounds by "d" day. I lost about 20 of it fast and then didn't care about the rest because we knew we wanted to have another baby soon after. We got pregnant with Hadley a year after Ashlyn was born and I only gained 20 pounds. I lost that weight very fast and stayed at that weight until I decided it was time to get the rest off. It was at the beginning of 2009 that I changed everything. The way I looked at food, exercise, and myself. I knew I would never again have that pre-baby body, but that was fine with me. I started working out everyday, sometimes twice a day. I only ate when I was hungry and I cut out all sodas and sweets during the week, and then on the weekends I let myself have one soda and one sweet thing. I lost weight fast. I dropped 23 pounds in about 3 months. I felt great, lots of energy and shopping was fun again! Here is me after loosing the weight, June 2009Here is me at my heaviest (below). I still need/want to loose another 20 pounds but I think 10 more will do me! I have struggled to keep the weight off since moving to Mobile. I could not work out regularly for the first 4 months of our move. I have lost the 10 pounds that I put on after moving and now I am working on the last 10. My mom and I are training for our 1st 10K at the end of March. I wanted to add a recent picture of me but could not find one, seems like all I take pictures of are my kids!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Valentine Parties!

Ashlyn and Hadley had their Valentine Parties at school. Here are a few pictures from that day. Above, Hadley is cheesin' it big! I think she was on a Cheeto high!

Here is Ashlyn smiling for the camera on party day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

February 1st

Hadley on her Birthday. She didn't have to go to preschool. She stayed at home with grandparents who took her and Ashlyn to play at the Watermelon Patch and then to lunch at Zaxby's. I got to get off work early and take them home for a nap. When they woke up we played outside for a little bit. Hadley loves outside. She prefers the slide though. I guess it's all the climbing t get to the slide that she probably really likes!

Here is my sweet Ashlyn! She loves to play outside and swing on her swing- set. It was a little windy out this day so we couldn't play long. All I have to tell her is that it's windy so we need to go inside before we get sick and she practically runs in for fear of the DOCTOR!

Happy 2nd Birthday Hadley Reese!

Hadley turned 2 on Feb. 1st. Here are some pictures of her at her party. We just had a few family members come over to celebrate. She had a great time!

Mardi Gras

The Girls went to their very 1st Mardi Gras parade. We went to the parade on Dauphin Island. Jack's parents live there so we had a great place to stay and relax while everyone tried to get off of the island after the parade ended. I think the girls had a great time, they sure got a lot of good throws! Ashlyn was a little frightened at all the stuff being thrown at her! I found myself standing over them with my hands above their head while the floats went by.

Nathan was crazy with his sign. He would go right out into the road and get the attention of whoever was throwing to see the girls! He did a good job because they ended up with a lot!