Wednesday, February 24, 2010

weight loss

This blog is all about me! Iam blogging about my weight loss today. Here is my story: After I married I gained weight, no big deal really, it wasn't much. When we decided to have a baby I used the execuse of having the baby for eating what ever I wanted to, plus I really felt like I was starving. I put on a good 50 pounds by "d" day. I lost about 20 of it fast and then didn't care about the rest because we knew we wanted to have another baby soon after. We got pregnant with Hadley a year after Ashlyn was born and I only gained 20 pounds. I lost that weight very fast and stayed at that weight until I decided it was time to get the rest off. It was at the beginning of 2009 that I changed everything. The way I looked at food, exercise, and myself. I knew I would never again have that pre-baby body, but that was fine with me. I started working out everyday, sometimes twice a day. I only ate when I was hungry and I cut out all sodas and sweets during the week, and then on the weekends I let myself have one soda and one sweet thing. I lost weight fast. I dropped 23 pounds in about 3 months. I felt great, lots of energy and shopping was fun again! Here is me after loosing the weight, June 2009Here is me at my heaviest (below). I still need/want to loose another 20 pounds but I think 10 more will do me! I have struggled to keep the weight off since moving to Mobile. I could not work out regularly for the first 4 months of our move. I have lost the 10 pounds that I put on after moving and now I am working on the last 10. My mom and I are training for our 1st 10K at the end of March. I wanted to add a recent picture of me but could not find one, seems like all I take pictures of are my kids!

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