Monday, July 14, 2008

The Zoo

We took the girls to the zoo in June. We really didn't know how Ashlyn would act this year, but we went anyways. She has never been the child to ride in her stroller and this day was no different. But it was like a turning point for her.

We let her walk with us and she stayed with us the entire time. We were so proud of her. My favorite part is always the gold fish. They are so pretty and there are so many of them. We bought some fish food and let Ashlyn feed them. She loved it! She is getting to be a big girl and not so much a toddler anymore.
Hadley stayed in the stroller the whole time but when I fed her and changed her. I am so thankful that she is a laid back baby. God knew that I couldn't handle two independent children.

1 comment:

Misty & Cecil Ray Cossey said...

Funny how you thought Hadley was gonning to be a mess since you were so sick while you were preg. with her...and she's laid back...haha